I was really struggling with the quiz from last week. This week I decided to come into school early to get help, see what I did wrong, and how to fix it. Since I was able to to sit down one on one and talk through the problems, they finally made sense to me. The detailed explanation, extra time spent on each problem, and extra practice I was given, sparked my "moment of clarity". Before, when what we were learning was not making any sense to me, it prevented me from learning anything new. Now that I understand the work, I am learning better and I enjoy the class much more! I was doing very poorly on my quizzes, until the quiz we took on Thursday. I applied what I learned from the problems I got extra help on, and I did much better than on any other quiz from this class. I even surprised myself with my score. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of an extra push for everything to come together.
I'm very happy for your recent success! Keep up all the hard work!