Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blog Wars: Episode III

Revenge of the Variables

Padawan Jacob finds himself facing a new opponent.  But instead of numbers, he finds himself facing of against waves of letters!  Master Jackson made the challenge to find numbers from lack of numbers.  Young Jacob must complete quadratic equations from having only coordinates to work with.  The task is hard and Jacob has not yet mastered it.  The technique is quite difficult and the slightest mistake can make all of the work pointless.

As the padawan struggles to find his answers, he finds that he gets stuck on finding all of the variables.  Some of his fellow classmates also appear to have difficulties with the method.  But Jacob believes that with enough time he will master this mathematical skill as he has in the past.  He can only hope it does not corrupt him into not caring as his tests approach closer by the day...

I hope people don't get a negative opinion about me typing in third-person...
- Jacob H.

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